Hypersonix. We're pretty cool you know? "How cool?" I hear you ask. Well, let me ask you this. What is the ambient temperature of the vaccuum of space? No seriously, I want to know. That seems like general knowledge that I'm missing out on.
Actually, you know what? I'll just google it. Be right back.
Ok I'm back. It's actually kind of interesting - space is kinda warm near earth! It's about 10 degrees Celcius (50 something Farenwatevers). Then, when you get into deep space, away from all the complications of cosmic radiation and things that have mass, you find that the minimum temperature is about 2.7 kelvin (-270.45° Celcius). It can never really get colder than that, because of cosmic background radiation.
Did you know that the coldest place in the universe is (was) somewhere in... damn, Europe for sure. Sweden? I can't remember - I learned this trivia ages ago. Anyway, they have a lab that cuts out all radiation and basically makes a "cold room". The whole point was to study how stuff behaves at really low temperatures, close to 0 kelvin. Research for stuff like superconductors and bose-einsteinium condensate (sorry for missing all the capitals there). It's quite interesting science! In the end though, that pretty much makes earth the host of the coldest place in the universe. Barring any extraterrestrial civilisations we've overlooked.
Well, that's all the trivia for today. I think I might eventually put up a board of directors or something down here. A good three image gallery of important looking dudes that probably actually are important. This is space here! It doesn't get more important than this, as far as science and technology goes anyway. If you're into politics, I can't help you. No one can. Well... you can, but no one else.